12 red roses

12 red roses

Bunch of 12 red roses wrapped with seasonal greenery - roses extra quality

24 red roses

24 red roses

bouquet of 24 red roses very well arranged by our florists

joyful bouquet

joyful bouquet

JOYFUL BOUQUET... Bouquet of mixed flowers in bright colours to make happy your loved one



Traditional Bouquet with MIXED RED FLOWERS: red roses, red gerberas and other red flowers with seasonal greenery. It's an ideal gift for your loved one

bouquet with white lilies

bouquet with white lilies

Elegant bouquet of white lilies, a delicate bouquet for the happy event of birth

lilies, gerberas and orange roses

lilies, gerberas and orange roses

Bright bouquet of yellow lilies and gerberas and orange roses. The perfect gift to celebrate the summer and its colors (Vase not include)

pink gerberas, roses and astromerias

pink gerberas, roses and astromerias

Soft bouquet of pink roses, gerberas and alstromerias. The perfect mix to estonish your darling with simplicity!

red and yellow roses

red and yellow roses

Perfect mix of colours: bouquet of peach, red and yellow roses to bring a smile to your loved!



Bouquet of mixed flowers...let florist imagination run wild

yellow and blue bouquet

yellow and blue bouquet

Bouquet of yellow lilies and blue flowers is particularly suitable for a child's birthday!

natural wonders

natural wonders

Bouquet that recalls the wonder of nature, includes orange lilies, purple irises, small white carnations and yellow solidago.The basket is only included in the deluxe price.

delicate mixed bouquet

delicate mixed bouquet

Roses and Alstromerias bouquet with delicate shades of white and pink: to send a tender message

pink alstromerias, white roses and freesias

pink alstromerias, white roses and freesias

Spring bouquet in white and pink colours with pink alstromerias, white roses and freesias: a nice gift for the birth of a female.



Bouquet of Flowers Pink, Red and Orange, a perfect combination of roses, gerberas and mixed flowers to wish a Happy Day!

orange callas

orange callas

Waterfall Callas Orange: a touch of exoticism to express their feelings

white callas

white callas

Waterfall White Callas: a touch of exoticism to express their feelings

yellow callas

yellow callas

Waterfall of Yellow Callas: a touch of exoticism to express their feelings. Giving Calle Yellow stands for simplicity and elegance, yellow is always the color of sunshine and joy.

red callas

red callas

Waterfall of Red Callas: a touch of exoticism to express their feelings. Ideal gift for important occasions such as weddings.



Bouquet of white mixed flowers to express your high-minded feelings. It looks like a fluffy white cloud this bouquet composed of white lilies and white roses. To be remembered at important moments.

white centre piece

white centre piece

SWEET BASKET...floral arrangement of white mixed flowers

delux centerpiece

delux centerpiece

Centerpiece with sterlizie and red gerberas on a square: fine arrangement for a special occasion!

modern centerpiece

modern centerpiece

Seductive modern centerpiece on square base with pink roses and gerberas, to give a touch of elegance to your home!



JOY BASKET...floral arrangement of mixed fresias and greenery

basket of white flowers

basket of white flowers

TENDER BASKET... arrangement of white mixed flowers, the perfect gift for marriage

violet flower arrangement

violet flower arrangement

Basket of mixed colored flowers in shades of violet, a nice present to wish Happy Day!

basket with yellow gerberas and tulips

basket with yellow gerberas and tulips

Elegant basket of yellow gerberas and tulips. Yellow colour...the sign of nobility!

basket of red alstromerias and white orchids

basket of red alstromerias and white orchids

Refined basket of white orchids and red alstromerias for a special occasion: the best floral gift to surprise with elegance!

basket of sunflowers

basket of sunflowers

Beautiful wicker basket of sunflowers! Rely on the taste and skill of our expert florists to deliver this wonderful basket of sunflowers. To give a smile to someone special!

basket of tulips

basket of tulips

This beautiful basket arrangement of mixed cut white and yellow tulips will surely create spring mood in the recipient's home.

basket of multicolored tulips

basket of multicolored tulips

Basket of multicolored tulips for your loved one brings the freshness of Spring. Our florists hand-select each bloom to ensure your loved one will enjoy the flowers longest.

blooming basket

blooming basket

Wish a wonderful day to someone, giving a wonderful flower basket with yellow roses, white daisies, callas and seasonal green.

pink roses basket

pink roses basket

Astonish your darling: give a basket of pink roses as gift and you will touch his heart!!!

basket of red roses

basket of red roses

Astonish your darling: give a basket of red roses as gift and you will touch her heart!!!



Make full of colours the day of your friends with a basket of mixed roses. A joyful gift for any occasions!

50 pink and white roses in vase

50 pink and white roses in vase

Stunning bunch of 50 white and red roses in stylish glass vase to touch the heart of your loved. Roses available in other colours. (48hours needed to collect roses, glass avse can be varied based on availability)



Basket of mixed flowers in bright colours

anthurium flowers arrangement

anthurium flowers arrangement

Precious and elegant flowers arrangement with Anthurium, white Roses, Hypericum to express what you cannot say with words!

arrangement of guzamania plants

arrangement of guzamania plants

Desire of colour: basket of guzmania plants

pink tulips and gerberas

pink tulips and gerberas

Composition in vase with tulips and gerberas in shades of pink and purple: special thought for those who want to send a nice gift to a loved one

Summer Arrangement

Summer Arrangement

Arrangement with roses, orange and red berries to illuminate the face of the receiver!

composition of mixed orange

composition of mixed orange

Bowl with Gerberas, Roses orange and green of the season to show gratitude or for friendship

basket of cyclamens

basket of cyclamens

Beatiful Basket of cyclamens with greenery

heart of mixed roses

heart of mixed roses

Heart of white, pink and red Roses: an extraordinary arrangement of mixed roses in a heart shape, to conquer a woman who makes you heart beat faster!

ficus benjamin plant

ficus benjamin plant

Ficus Benjamin: indoor green plant as a gift to beautify the house

blue flowers with teddy bear

blue flowers with teddy bear

Bouquet of blue flowers accompanied by a teddy bear, particularly suitable for a child's birthday! (the vase is included only in the price range Deluxe)

flowers of anthurium

flowers of anthurium

High quality and elegant bouquet of red anthurium and green: a touch of elegance and sophistication!

mixed gerberas

mixed gerberas

Bright bouquet of gerberas in different colours to make happy a sparkling person!!!

yellow lilies

yellow lilies

Bouquet of yellow lilies particularly suitable for a child's birthday!

mixed roses

mixed roses

Bouquet of mixed roses of various colors, a gift suited to thank a special person!

bouquet of red and white roses

bouquet of red and white roses

Elegant bouquet of red and white roses adorned with decorative green to surprise with taste! (The vase is not included)

roses lilies and whiteflowers

roses lilies and whiteflowers

Bouquet of White Roses, Lilies and mixed flowers: the right gift for special occasions such as birth and marriage

pastel roses

pastel roses

Pastel bouquet of peasch, yellow and white roses to astonish your darling with refinement!

calas and roses

calas and roses

Wonderful bouquet of red roses and yellow calas! Sober and elegant gift for your darling. (Vase not included)

red and pink roses

red and pink roses

Delicate bouquet with red roses and pink roses (the vase is not included) a mix of delicacy and elegance!



SUNNY BOUQUET ... a bouquet of mixed flowers with orange colors and seasonal greenery

pink tulips

pink tulips

Spring explosion: bouquet of pink tulips to welcome new season with love and sweetness!

pink tulips and mixed gerberas

pink tulips and mixed gerberas

Arrangement in vase with mixed gerberas and tulips in shades of pink: special thought for those who want to send a nice gift to a loved one

red tulips

red tulips

Spring explosion: bouquet of red tulips to welcome new season with love and sweetness!

Birthday Flowers - eFlowersDelivery in Jamaica allows you to send and deliver flowers and plants to wish Happy Birthday.

Our florists are present throughout the country, and in the following major cities and provinces: Kingston, Ocho Rios, Montego Bay, Negril,

Through our network of associated florists experts, we are able to send and deliver flowers and plants at home in the following countries:
Albania, Algeria, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Bosnia And Herzegowina, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, England, Estonia, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Georgia, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Guam, Guatemala, Guyana, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Korea, Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Northern Ireland, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Reunion, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam,