12 red roses

12 red roses

Bunch of 12 red roses wrapped with seasonal greenery - roses extra quality

24 red roses

24 red roses

bouquet of 24 red roses very well arranged by our florists

red and yellow roses

red and yellow roses

Perfect mix of colours: bouquet of peach, red and yellow roses to bring a smile to your loved!

pink roses basket

pink roses basket

Astonish your darling: give a basket of pink roses as gift and you will touch his heart!!!

basket of red roses

basket of red roses

Astonish your darling: give a basket of red roses as gift and you will touch her heart!!!



Make full of colours the day of your friends with a basket of mixed roses. A joyful gift for any occasions!

50 pink and white roses in vase

50 pink and white roses in vase

Stunning bunch of 50 white and red roses in stylish glass vase to touch the heart of your loved. Roses available in other colours. (48hours needed to collect roses, glass avse can be varied based on availability)

5 red roses

5 red roses

Bouquet of 5 Red Roses for donating a beautiful smile to a loved one. Our florist will arrange the bunch adding some leaves of aspidistra, sisal and a red ribbon.

heart of roses

heart of roses

Arrangement with Red and Pink Rose Heart-shaped: because the Roses have the power to communicate the true feelings!

heart of mixed roses

heart of mixed roses

Heart of white, pink and red Roses: an extraordinary arrangement of mixed roses in a heart shape, to conquer a woman who makes you heart beat faster!

heart of red roses

heart of red roses

Heart of red roses: to conquer a girl who makes you heart beat faster!

bunch of 100 red roses

bunch of 100 red roses

Bunch of 100 red roses to give a special emotion. The picture is indicative. (48hours needed to collect roses)

bunch of 50 red roses

bunch of 50 red roses

Bunch of 50 red roses to touch the heart of your loved. Roses available in other colours. (48hours needed to collect roses)

mixed roses

mixed roses

Bouquet of mixed roses of various colors, a gift suited to thank a special person!

red roses bouquet

red roses bouquet

Appropriate for all occasions - a bouquet of red fragrant roses.

bouquet of red and white roses

bouquet of red and white roses

Elegant bouquet of red and white roses adorned with decorative green to surprise with taste! (The vase is not included)

cream roses

cream roses

Elegant bouquet of cream roses...the proper gift for special occasions!

white roses

white roses

Bouquet of white roses to express the innocence of your feelings

pink roses

pink roses

Bouquet of Pink Roses: the right gift to express your affection to a loved one. Why did the rose is a symbol of friendship!

orange roses

orange roses

Make joyful your WOMAN'S HEART with an original bouquet with orange roses and greenery!

Roses and Berries for love

Roses and Berries for love

Bouquet with fiery red roses and berries: suitable to express a feeling of love.

pink roses

pink roses

Bouquet of pink roses for a woman who does not love conventions!

yellow roses

yellow roses

Bouquet of yellow roses. In the language of flowers mean JEALOUSY, and are indeed used by those who wish to sending signals to your partner ...

pastel roses

pastel roses

Pastel bouquet of peasch, yellow and white roses to astonish your darling with refinement!

red and pink roses

red and pink roses

Delicate bouquet with red roses and pink roses (the vase is not included) a mix of delicacy and elegance!

bouquet of white roses

bouquet of white roses

If you like delicate colors, give this wonderful Bouquet of white roses, a gift that will surely be appreciated!

red roses bouquet

red roses bouquet

ROMANTIC BOUQUET ... Amaze the person of your HEART with a BOUQUET of RED ROSES, Gypsophila and seasonal greenery

3 red roses

3 red roses

3 red roses wrapped with seasonal greenery: a simple thought to express your love!

eFlowersDelivery in Uruguay allows you to give wonderful bunch of roses, arranged with care and roses with the highest quality.

Our flowers shops are present throughout the country, and in the following major cities and provinces: Montevideo, Salto, Paysandu, Las Piedras, Rivera, Melo,

Through our network of associated experts florists, we are able to send and deliver flowers and plants at home in the following countries:
Albania, Algeria, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Bosnia And Herzegowina, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, England, Estonia, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Georgia, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Guam, Guatemala, Guyana, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Korea, Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Northern Ireland, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Reunion, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam,